जन्मदिनमा पूर्खाको गुणगान गाउँदै पूर्व युवराज पारस

काठमाडौं । पूर्वयुवराज पारस शाहले आफ्ना पूर्खाहरुका कारण अहिले सबैजनाले नेपाली भनेर गर्व गर्न पाएकोमा गर्व गरेका छन् । सार्वभौमसत्ता, धार्मिक पहिचान र संस्कृतिको संरक्षण गर्दै नेपालको परिकल्पना र रक्षा गरेकोमा पारसले आफ्ना पूर्खाहरुको गुणगान गाएका छन् । 

जीवनमा आफूले महत्वपूर्ण र जीवन नै परिवर्तन हुने घटनाहरुको साक्षी बनेको बताउँदै पारसले आफ्नो फेसबुक पोस्टमा आफू वयस्क भएको र धेरै कुरा सिकेको चर्चा गरेका छन् । 

बिहीबार ५०औं जन्म दिन मनाएका पारसले जीवन जिउने क्रममा आफूले सहकर्मीबारे जान्ने अवसर पाएको र प्रत्यक्ष रुपमा सांस्कृतिक विविधतावारे अनुभव गरेको बताएका छन् ।

जटिल परिस्थितिको समयमा पनि आफूले पाएको निस्वार्थ प्रेम सच्चा नेपाली भावना भएको उनले बताएका छन् । 

परिवार र शुभचिन्तकहरुको निरन्तरको सहयोगका कारण अरुको उत्थान गर्न सजिलो भएको र त्यसले आगामी पुस्ताका लागि अझै स्थिर र समतामूलक नेपाल बनाउन सहयोग गर्ने पारसले बताएका छन् ।

Paras Shah


On the occasion of my 50th birthday, I’d like to take a moment and reflect. Today, we are all proud Nepalis because of the sacrifices of our forefathers. I’d like to pay homage to our ancestors for envisioning and defending Nepal while preserving our sovereignty, religious identity and culture.

Times have come a long way during which I have witnessed and experienced many pivotal, life changing events. Through it all, I have grown and learnt a lot about myself. While doing so, I’ve learnt a lot about my fellow Nepalis and experienced firsthand, the cultural diversity and the richness in the welcoming nature of our people. Such love and true selflessness, even while facing adversity, is undeniably the true Nepali spirit.

I’ve woken up to 50 today with the realization that Nepal holds a very unique place in the global community. I feel motivated to do whatever I can to protect and preserve our religious and cultural identity. I see remarkable greatness in Nepal, and in all we can achieve together as Nepalis.

Family and good health are the most beautiful gifts you can ever receive at 50. Today, because of the love and unwavering support from my family and my well- wishers, you have given me the best gift of all, your blessings, which means I can continue to do my best to uplift others so we can create a more stable and equitable Nepal for future generations.


